Why Are You Getting Cavities If You Watch Your Sugar Intake?

Dentist Blog

Oral bacteria like to consume sugars. After consuming sugars, oral bacteria produce acidic byproducts which are responsible for cavities. While you may already know that you can reduce your risk of cavities by limiting your sugar intake, you may be wondering if there are other ways you can develop cavities. Here are a few reasons why you could develop cavities even with a good diet.

Your Family is Passing on Bacterial Strains

The New York Times found that the oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans — a main contributor of cavities — can be passed between people if they are sharing food or utensils. Even kissing a loved one could increase your risk of cavities. It's important to stay on top of flossing, brushing, and dental visits to avoid passing or receiving bad oral bacteria strains.

You Aren't brushing at the Right Time

Some people may want to immediately brush their teeth after eating, but that can actually be detrimental to your teeth. If you brush your teeth after eating, the bristles of the brush could actually push food acids deeper into the enamel. It's a better idea to flush your mouth with a drink of water and then brush your teeth about half an hour after eating.

You Are Eating More Cariogenic Foods Than You Think

Cariogenic foods are those that are more likely to cause cavities. It's a given that sugary foods like sodas and candy bars would increase your likelihood of cavities. However, there are some foods that are cariogenic that you may not have thought of. For example, carbohydrates like bread, cereal, and crackers contain starches that need to be broken down by the saliva in your mouth. The breakdown of these starches reduces your mouth's natural PH levels and increases the acidity in your mouth, thus increasing the risk of cavities. You can talk with your dentist more about hidden cariogenic foods that could be in your diet.  

You Aren't Getting the Right Fluoride Levels

A lot of communities have fluoridated water, but if you live in a community that doesn't, you may not be getting enough fluoride. Fluoride is a naturally-occurring mineral that can strengthen your bones and teeth. The right dosage of fluoride can help you prevent cavities. Your dentist can recommend how much fluoride you need, whether that's through fluoride tablets or additional in-office fluoride treatments.  

A dentist can provide you with more tips on how to prevent cavities.  


11 February 2021

Understanding Dental Problems

Do you have "bad teeth"? I do. Ever since I was a kid, every checkup turns up a number of issues ranging from cavities to dental fractures. It has always been frustrating to keep my smile in decent shape, which is one of the reasons I started focusing on understanding different dental problems. I wanted to know what I was getting into when I visited the doctor, so I began focusing on learning as much as I could. I wanted to create this blog all about dentistry so that other people could find out what to expect when they head to the dentist. Check it out!