Dental patients who are interested in cosmetic issues should be aware of the capabilities of modern dental imaging and modeling technology. Nowadays, cosmetic dentists have powerful modeling tools available to them that have revolutionized the services they can provide to patients looking for a whiter smile or straighter teeth.
A dental modeling program allows dentists to show patients how cosmetic treatments will look afterwards. Though the capabilities that this offers are revolutionary, the process of using dental imaging is simple. The following are the basic steps of the cosmetic dentistry procedure:
The procedure
To use dental imaging, a dentist first needs to take detailed photos of the patient's teeth and mouth using a digital camera. Then, these photos will be carefully reviewed together by both the dentist and the patient. Special dental imaging software will make it possible for the dentist to show exactly what changes he or she recommends for the patient.
Next, a "mock-up" photo will be created to show the patient what he or she will look like after a particular treatment is performed. In addition to digital photos, impressions of the patient's teeth will be made to see how these digital images could be translated into three dimensions.
These impressions will be used to create a resin model of how the patient's teeth will be after a cosmetic procedure. The resin model that is created as the last step of the process will show how the proposed changes will fit into the patient's mouth.
The advantages of imaging technology:
Allows for a detailed diagnosis of cosmetic issues
Determining which procedure is best for a particular cosmetic issue is probably the most important step in the process of correcting problems. Dental imaging is an important diagnostic tool for a dentist. It allows the dentist to consider multiple solutions and arrive at the best possible treatment choice.
Facilitates communication between dentist and patient
Sometimes, treatment choices are hard because it's difficult for the dentist to express in words what kind of changes the patient can expect in his or her teeth.
Dental imaging is a great way to allow the dentist to clearly communicate how a cosmetic dental procedure will affect the patient's appearance. It also helps the patient express to the dentist what he or she wants.
Shows the patient how changes will look after cosmetic dental procedures
With dental imaging, patients having a cosmetic procedure performed know exactly what they can expect. This prevents the patient from investing time and money into a procedure that won't be satisfying in the long run.
Share22 December 2015
Do you have "bad teeth"? I do. Ever since I was a kid, every checkup turns up a number of issues ranging from cavities to dental fractures. It has always been frustrating to keep my smile in decent shape, which is one of the reasons I started focusing on understanding different dental problems. I wanted to know what I was getting into when I visited the doctor, so I began focusing on learning as much as I could. I wanted to create this blog all about dentistry so that other people could find out what to expect when they head to the dentist. Check it out!