Should You Go To The ER Or An Emergency Dentist?

Dentist Blog

If you are outlining a family emergency preparedness plan, you may be adding phone numbers for your local doctors. However, don't forget about your dentist's number as well. Sometimes, a dental emergency can be taken care of at the ER, but sometimes it's better to visit a dental clinic. Read on to learn more about how to handle different dental emergencies.

What Does the ER Handle?

If you or a family member experiences a trauma that causes a serious facial laceration, jaw dislocation, or jaw fracture, it's usually better to visit an ER. If you or a family member is experiencing any kind of facial infection or swelling that is affecting swallowing and breathing, don't hesitate to visit the ER or call 911.

What Can an Emergency Dentist Handle?

While emergency dental services vary by clinic, many emergency dentists can handle lost/loose fillings or crowns, root canals, chipped teeth, and/or avulsed teeth. In fact, some avulsed teeth can actually be re-inserted if you are able to head to an emergency dentist soon enough. Dentistry IQ says that many ERs are reluctant to treat some dental issues, so unless they have a save-a-tooth kit on hand, it may be better to visit an emergency dental clinic instead. Lastly, if you have an abscess that hasn't drained and doesn't interfere with your ability to breathe or swallow, then you may also be able to visit an emergency dentist for help.

What if You Aren't Sure Where to Go?

Call the dentist and the ER right away if you aren't sure where to go. Putting both the ER and the emergency dentist's phone numbers in a home emergency kit is valuable so that you don't have to waste time trying to get help. Although your dentist may have regular business hours, he or she should have an emergency line so that you can reach the office outside of business hours.

Even if the emergency is minor, like a chipped tooth, it's important to call ahead anyway so that the office staff can prepare their operatories. For example, if you have a chipped crown, calling ahead allows the dental assistants to set up instrument trays with crown prep materials before you arrive. If you don't have an emergency dentist in your area, keep in mind that many ERs do have oral surgeons and dentists on staff that they can call in certain situations.

Reach out to an emergency dental clinic, such as Cruz Davis Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, for more information.


20 June 2022

Understanding Dental Problems

Do you have "bad teeth"? I do. Ever since I was a kid, every checkup turns up a number of issues ranging from cavities to dental fractures. It has always been frustrating to keep my smile in decent shape, which is one of the reasons I started focusing on understanding different dental problems. I wanted to know what I was getting into when I visited the doctor, so I began focusing on learning as much as I could. I wanted to create this blog all about dentistry so that other people could find out what to expect when they head to the dentist. Check it out!